4 Way Bluetooth-compatible Relay Mdoule
IN+, IN-: 12V power input;
TX, RX: ART serial port pins;
5V, GND, SWIM, NRST: MCU program download port.
LED D2/D3/D4/D5 (red light): relay work indicator light, light when open
LED D1 (blue light): Bluetooth-compatible status indicator, described as follows:
When flashing slowly, it means waiting to establish a connection with the phone;
When it is always on, it means a successful connection with the mobile phone.
Two reserved jumper caps: please plug them to the right end during normal use (i.e. RX connected to RX1, TX connected to TX1)
If you want to use the USB to TTL serial port module to debug the SPP-C module alone, please plug it to the left end (otherwise there may be interference).
COM1: public terminal;
NC1: normally closed end, the relay is short-circuited with COM1 before pull-in, and hangs up after pull-in;
NO1: Normally open, the relay is suspended before pull-in, and shorted to COM1 after pull-in. COM2: public terminal;
NC2: normally closed end, the relay is short-circuited with COM2 before pull-in, and hangs up after pull-in;
NO2: Normally open, the relay hangs open before pull-in, and short-circuit with COM2 after pull-in. COM3: public terminal;
NC3: normally closed end, the relay is short-circuited with COM3 before pull-in, and hangs up after pull-in;
NO3: Normally open, the relay is suspended before pull-in, and shorted to COM3 after pull-in. COM4: public terminal;
NC4: Normally closed end, the relay is short-circuited with COM4 before pull-in, and hangs up after pull-in;
NO4; normally open, the relay hangs before pull-in, short-circuit with COM4 after pull-in.
2 Relay control instructions (16 hex system),
Turn on the first relay: A0 01 01 A2
Close the first relay: A0 01 00 A1
Turn on the second relay: A0 02 01 A3
Close the first relay: A0 02 00 A2
Turn on the third relay: A0 03 01 A4
Close the third relay: A0 03 00 A3
Turn on the fourth relay: A0 04 01 A5
Close the fourth relay: A0 04 00 A4